Dental is a vast field of medicine with several specialties to treat the different ailments in the mouth, including teeth, gums, periodontal tissue, jaw (lower and upper), and joints.
A dentist/odontologist can assess, determine conditions, treat, and conduct periodic check-ups to prevent disease. Dentists must have medical knowledge regarding diseases of the surrounding regions such as the neck and face. In some cases, they know that an untreated dental condition can cause a risk of life in the patient, for example, septicemia.
Specialties in odontology include:
- Periodontics. Focused on the gums and other structures that support the teeth.
- Endodontics. Focused on the care of the dental pulp (inside the teeth)
- Pediatric dentistry. Focused on children.
- Orthodontics. Focused on making crooked teeth adjustments.
- Maxillofacial Surgery. As its name implies, it focuses on surgical intervention for conditions that have to do with the teeth and the anatomical structure of the face.
- Cavities
- Malformations
- Gingivitis
- Swollen gums
- Periodontitis
- Trauma directly affecting the mouth
- Oral mucosa lesions
- Injuries caused by underlying diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease.