Health services Puerto Morelos
Health services Puerto Morelos consist of medical professionals, organizations, and ancillary health care workers who provide medical care to those in need. Health services serve patients, families, communities, and populations. … These services are centered around making health care accessible, high quality, and patient-centered.
Doctors in Puerto Morelos
What specialist are you looking for?
HEALTH CARE in Puerto Morelos
Doctor in Puerto Morelos
Doctor for general consultations and preventions for kids and adults.
Dentist in Puerto Morelos
Dentist for healthy teeth, cavities , gum preventions and general check up.
Gynecologist in Puerto Morelos
All gynecologist services, pregnancy follow up, tests, check ups.
Covid Test in Puerto Morelos
Get your Covid test before ending home. Fast and reliable Covid tests in Puerto Morelos.
Oculist in Puerto Morelos
Eyes check up, consultations and preventions.
Hospitals in Puerto Morelos
Hospital services in Puerto Morelos with emergency services and traumatology.
Laboratory in Puerto Morelos
Health tests, blood tests, etc with fast results.
Kinesitherapist in Puerto Morelos
Muscle and physical traumas, follow up, electro sessions.
Alternative Medecine in Puerto Morelos
Natural medecine, plants, tea, omeopathy, natural treatments.
Psychologist in Puerto Morelos
Session de psychology, follow up, any type of traumas, studies mental processes and human behaviour.
Orthopedist in Puerto Morelos
Treating and preventing deformities of the skeletal and muscular system including muscles, joints, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
Acupuncture in Puerto Morelos
Alternative medecine of penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles which are then activated through gentle and specific movements
If you wish to add your health services with name, contact and opening hours, please contact us!
Health services departments are responsible for the overall health and well-being of the communities they serve. While their main focus is general health and wellness, health services departments also provide treatment and care to members of the community who otherwise have no healthcare.
Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, midwifery, nursing, optometry, audiology, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, athletic training and other health professions are all part of health care. It includes work done in providing primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care, as well as in public health.
Health services in Puerto Morelos
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Acupuncture
- Psychologist
- Orthopedist
- Alternative Medecine
- Gynecologist
- Kinesitherapist
- Hospitals
- Oculist
- Covid Test
- Hospitals
health and human services
Medical care in Puerto Morelos is provided by a number of local physicians, a couple of clinics, and the new Costa Med Hospital that provides a full range of services including surgery and emergency medical care. They offer an ambulance service to transfer patients requiring elevated care. If needed, larger hospitals with all specialty areas covered, can be found in Playa del Carmen, an hour south. Nearly all medications can be purchased directly from the pharmacy without a prescription (narcotics and strong antibiotics are obvious exceptions) and cost only a fraction of prices north of the border. works in an integral way fulfilling its value offer
costamed Puerto Morelos
Costamed Puerto Morelos Hospital opened offering private and public medical services as the only hospital in the city.
Health services Puerto Morelos
Find a professional
Find a healthcare professional in Puerto Morelos with direct contact with him.